This is the 70th Kol Dorot Daily email, and for now it will be the last. Each weekday for the past 14 weeks, I have been priveleged to share a teaching or reflection, sometimes my own and sometimes from Cantor Sarah, Morah Anat, or Rabbi David. This became the clearinghouse for all the pandemic-time activites of Kol Dorot.
But most importantly, this daily email has been about community. I hope it has helped you feel connected to the individuals and families of Kol Dorot. We have struggled with so many of the same questions. We have shared so many of the same fears. We still do. We are not facing this alone, and there is power and comfort in that. That's what our Jewish community is for.
These daily emails have made me feel deeply connected to all of you. As I transition to being the sole rabbi of Kol Dorot, I hope they have helped us get to know each other better. I've loved your comments and questions. I am grateful to you for reading (even if you didn't read every day).
I am bringing the daily email to an end because thankfully, the most acute trauma and disorientation have passed. You will still be hearing from us! Kol Dorot will still be emailing all of our upcoming events, Zoom links, etc. And I will still be writing directly with teaching and commentary from time to time. But I look forward to devoting myself more fully to preparing for the High Holy Days and the year ahead.
Please remember: You can always reach out to me at (201) 664-7422 or
The ancient Rabbis taught, "The Torah has 70 Faces." This means that each verse of Torah can be interpreted in 70 different ways. I hope that these 70 Kol Dorot Daily emails have given us 70 Faces of Torah—different Jewish ways of looking at the world around us, in a time when the world is unfamiliar and strange.
I look forward to seeing you tonight at 6pm for our First Anniversary Shabbat Service. Please celebrate this milestone with us if you can. (Info below.)
May you and your loved ones be healthy and safe. God bless you.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Noah
*TONIGHT*First Anniversary Service
Friday, June 19th, 6:00pm
Check you daily email for information on how to join in!
Bring out your candles! Candles from "Shabbat ShaBag," any Shabbat candles, any kind of candle... We will begin on Friday by sharing light with each other and blessing the day of rest together.
We will have our Religious School students singing (pre-recorded)! We will install our new President and Board of Trustees! We will bless our high school and college graduates! We will come together to mark the first full year of Kol Dorot.
This service will not be long—please join us if you can. Participate with your children. This is a community milestone we will look back on for years to come. Don't miss it!