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Rabbi Noah Fabricant
Rabbi Noah Fabricant, PhD

“I am proud to be part of the Kol Dorot community. I am proud that our synagogue is welcoming and accessible to all people and all families. I am proud that our Religious School is joyful. I am proud of the transformative learning, meaningful social justice work, and uplifting worship that happen here. I am sincerely honored that so many have allowed me to be with them and support them through the ordinary and extraordinary challenges of life.”

Rabbi Noah Fabricant is a founding rabbi of Kol Dorot and is involved in every aspect of the congregation's life. From early childhood programs, to our Religious School and teens, to adult learning and relationship building, Rabbi Noah continues to bring excitement and new ideas. He is a dynamic and engaging teacher and prayer leader, as well as a trusted and caring pastor. He has placed particular emphasis on outreach and accessibility, especially to interfaith families.


Prior to the founding of Kol Dorot, Rabbi Noah served as rabbi of one of its predecessor congregations, Temple Beth Or in Washington Township. Earlier he was an associate rabbi at Washington Hebrew Congregation in Washington, D.C., one of the largest synagogues in the country. He was ordained at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. During his time in rabbinical school, Rabbi Noah served congregations in La Salle, Illinois and Terre Haute, Indiana, as well as Rockdale Temple in Cincinnati.

Originally from West Orange, New Jersey, Rabbi Noah grew up in a Reform congregation, was active in youth group, and attended Jewish summer camp.  A lifelong student of Hebrew language and literature, Rabbi Noah holds a bachelor's degree in Literature from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature (Hebrew and Yiddish) from the University of Maryland. His area of expertise is nineteenth-century Hebrew periodicals. (It's more exciting than it sounds!) As a former camp and youth group songleader, Rabbi Noah also enjoys playing guitar and learning new Jewish music.


Rabbi Noah lives in Ridgewood with his wife, Alexandra (Ali) Harwin, and their three daughters, Lorry, Franny and Nikki.


Rabbi Noah can be contacted at

Photos of Cantor Sarah Silverman
Cantor Sarah Silverberg


Cantor Sarah Silverberg joined the Temple Beth Or community on July 29, 2014.  Cantor Sarah loves serving the community in many capacities.  From singing on the floor with our youngest tots to engaging with adults of all ages, Cantor Sarah brings music, passion, and warmth to the whole community.

Cantor Sarah was ordained in 2013 from the Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religious in New York City.  During her five years as a cantorial student, she proudly served congregations as a cantorial intern in South Bend, Indiana and in Garden City, New York. During her time at HUC, she received several awards for her academic performance and for cultivating community relationships.  Cantor Sarah found a passion for pastoral work and spent two summers as chaplaincy intern as well at NYU Langone Medical Center. In the year following cantorial ordination, Cantor Silverberg continued her studies as a chaplaincy resident at the VA Hospital in Manhattan and Queens where she provided spiritual and emotional care to veterans of all faiths throughout the hospital system, particularly focusing on issues of PTSD, substance abuse, intensive care, and palliative care.


Cantor Sarah was born and raised in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia.  She was active in her synagogue’s youth choir and later joined the prestigious choir Hazamir: The International Jewish Teen Choir. She

received her bachelor’s degree in Near Eastern & Judaic Studies and Music from Brandeis University in 2008.

Cantor Sarah married her husband Marc in November 2013.  They live in Waldwick with their daughters Maya and Emma.

Cantor Silverberg can be contacted at

Rabbi Emeritus  of TBO H. Philip Berkowitz z"l

Rabbi H. Philip Berkowitz

Rabbi Emeritus

Temple Beth Or

Rabbi Emeritus TBE Frederic

Rabbi Frederic Pomerantz

Rabbi Emeritus

Temple Beth El

Cantor Emeritus of TBE Shlomo-Bar-Nissim

Cantor Shlomo-Bar-Nissim
Cantor Emeritus

Temple Beth El


Vivian, Executive Director -

Anat, Educator -

Beth, Early Learning Center Director -

James, Music Director

Joan, Administration -

Andrea, Administration -

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