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Sukkot, Simchat Torah  & Shabbat 2020 - This year's celebrations include virtual worship via Zoom, Facebook Live, and YouTube, as well as socially-distanced in-person services. And for bonus holiday coverage, see Rabbi Noah on CBS News.

Sukkot 2019 - A rainy night and an over-capacity sukkah didn't prevent us from shaking our lulavs. We celebrated our first Sukkot together by singing, decorating with paper chains and, of course, eating (in this case 27 different kinds of pie).

Simchat Torah 2019 - We mark the completion of the annual reading of the Torah by carrying the scrolls, dancing and singing. The entire Torah was unrolled and held by community members as the ending and beginning were chanted aloud.

Chanukah 2019 - We celebrated our first Chanukah through music, worship, food, tikkun olam, and even a little magic! From latke making and menorah construction to our 101 Menorahs/Lots of Lights Shabbat and a visit from a magician, to the generous gifts that were donated to this year’s Neighbor-to-Neighbor holiday gift program, Chanukah brought joyous celebration and giving. Here are just a few memories as we look forward to gathering in 2020!

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