Fall closet cleanup? Don't throw anything away! Bag and box outgrown clothes, shoes, jewelry, and toys for men, women, girls, and boys. It's time for Women of Kol Dorot's Rummage Sale.
Items donated should be clean and in good condition. Please drop off at the follow dates and times:
Sunday, November 3, 9am - 1pm
Tuesday, November 5 - Thursday, November 7, 9am - 5pm
Friday, November 8, 9am - 3pm.
Please let us know when you can help. Contact Sarahjane Nacht: LSADL@optonline.net 201.951.9579 or Sandy Platt: 201.615.2817
Rummage Sale Dates:
Saturday, November 9, 7pm - 9:30pm
Sunday, November 10, 9am - 12pm and 1pm - 3pm