Last week we wrote that we were very close to announcing the temporary location where Kol Dorot services and activities will take place until our new building is ready. Now we are excited to make that announcement.
Beginning on Saturday, February 22nd, our temporary location will be:
Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley
87 Overlook Drive
Woodcliff Lake
We are extremely grateful to the members, leadership, clergy, and staff of Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley (TEPV), who are very generously sharing their space with us. We are thrilled that while we wait for our new building to be completed, we will be housed in a Jewish space—amazingly, a space that is able to accomodate nearly all of our regular activities at their regular times.
Below, you will find answers to key questions about our temporary location at TEPV. We hope this transition period will be as brief as possible, but thanks to our friends at Temple Emanuel, our first year of Kol Dorot will continue to go from strength to strength.
As a reminder, please join us on Friday, February 21st at 6:30pm for the final Shabbat service and parting ceremony at our building in Washington Township.
Thank you for your patience and for your understanding that the uncertainty and disruption of this year is allowing us to build a stable and exciting future for Kol Dorot and our whole Jewish community.
Donna Selby & Joel Rubin, Co-Presidents, Kol Dorot
Rabbi Noah Fabricant & Rabbi David Widzer
1) What Kol Dorot activites will take place at Temple Emanuel?
All Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat services, Torah Study, Tot Shabbat, and Wednesday Ethics Study will take place at Temple Emanuel. Sunday and Tuesday Religious School will be held at Temple Emanuel—except that Sunday School for Grades K-2 will be held at the nearby Tice Senior Center in Woodcliff Lake. (Shortly after receiving this email, all Religious School families will receive an email from Anat Katzir with details on the plans for Religious School.) Temple Emanuel has also offered us space for meetings, tutoring, and other occasional programs. A complete calendar with updated locations can be found on here.
2) What space will we be using at Temple Emanuel?
Temple Emanuel has a very large ballroom and adjacent social hall, which will be turned into our temporary sanctuary. Religious School will utilitze these large spaces, as well as classroom space. Other meeting rooms and offices will be available as necessary. The ballroom level has a separate entrance (with a green awning marked "BALLROOM"), which will be our main entrance for Kol Dorot activities.
3) How will parking work?
The driveway up to Temple Emanuel from Overlook Drive climbs a large hill. Parking is permitted on the hill facing uphill only—this is the most convenient parking to the Ballroom Entrance. (Call office for map.) Additional parking is available in the upper parking lot. It is also possible to drive around the building to drop off at the Ballroom Entrance.
4) Will any of our activities be combined with Temple Emanuel?
Even as we remain two separate congregations, we will have opportunities to combine activities with Temple Emanuel. They don't view us just as tenants using their space, but as other Jews they can support and welcome. We think this mitzvah will be the foundation of a long friendship between our communities.
5) Where will Patsy, Bonnie, and the Kol Dorot Office be?
Patsy, Bonnie, and the Kol Dorot Office will be temporarily located at the former Temple Beth El building, 221 Schraalenburgh Rd. in Closter. You can reach them at the regular Temple phone numbers or at
6) Where will Rabbi Noah, Rabbi David, Cantor Sarah, and Anat be?
The rabbis, cantor, and Anat will have office space at Temple Emanuel, but they will be holding meetings and lessons in multiple locations. The best ways to reach them are directly by email or by contacting the Kol Dorot office.
7) What will be different in a Conservative synagogue building?
Here’s what will not be different—our Shabbat worship and our education program. Our Friday night and Saturday morning services will be just as they have been, using our prayerbook, with guitar and piano music, all in our Reform tradition. Similarly, our education program will be the same high quality Reform Jewish living and learning that is a hallmark of Kol Dorot.
As good guests in another congregation’s building, we will follow their style of Jewish practice in a few areas:
We will follow TEPV’s food guidelines, adhering to their policy of keeping kosher. NO OUTSIDE FOOD will be allowed. Don’t worry, we will still eat as well and as often as usual! But all food will be arranged through TEPV. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY FOOD INTO THE TEPV BUILDING.
As a Conservative congregation, TEPV does not permit electronics on Shabbat. That includes photography, videography, non-worship music, and even cell phones. In truth, Kol Dorot has always discouraged using cell phones during Shabbat worship. At TEPV, we will want to be even more mindful of this.
Headcoverings (Kippah)
Standard Conservative practice requires that all males wear a kippah as a sign of reverence for God whenever they are in the TEPV building, whether for worship, learning, meetings, or any other event. While wearing a kippah is an optional practice in Reform Judaism, while we are at TEPV, we will follow their practice. However, in keeping with Reform Judaism’s fundamental belief in the equality between men and women, we will request that everyone, regardless of gender or age, wear a kippah in the TEPV building. We will have plenty of kippot available at building entrances, or feel free to wear your own! Everyone should wear a kippah whenever we are at TEPV.
8) How was the decision about our temporary location made?
After we realized that a temporary space would be necessary, a small team from the Kol Dorot Board explored a wide range of options, including schools, churches, community centers, and other locations. We considered cost, geography, size of the space, available times, and ability to host as many of our activities as possible. Temple Emanuel of Pascack Valley is, far and away, the best option in every regard. Their leadership has been gracious in accommodating our Shabbat worship and Religious School schedules and tremendously generous in the arrangements. They view it as a mitzvah to help us in the name of being a caring Jewish community together. Until our new building is ready, this is the best place for us!
9) How long will this temporary arrangement last?
Religious School will continue in these temporary locations until the end of the school year in May. Out of an abundance of caution, we have arranged for Temple Emanuel to host our activities through the end of June, though we hope that even before then we will be fully moved into our new location in Oradell.