Today is DAY FOURTEEN, which makes TWO WEEKS of the Omer. __________
Torah for Today Anat Katzir, Kol Dorot Educator
A nation's strength derives from its memory, in the vigor of its memory. This is what sets humankind apart. "If we wish to live and to bequeath life to our offspring, if we believe that we are to pave the way to the future, then we must first of all not forget." Prof. Ben Zion Dinur, Yad Vashem, 1956
We are a people of memory. If we look at the Jewish calendar, we tell our story and create our identity through the moment we choose to commemorate, celebrate and honor. On Passover, we are required to see ourselves as if we journeyed out of Egypt. During this period in our year, Passover seems to begin a journey, for many of us, that is very personal, and emotional. The days between Holocaust Remembrance Day and Yom Ha’atzmaut have been sarcastically referred to by Israelis as the second round of “Yamim Noraim”—with the word "Noraim" not meaning “Awe,” as it does for the days between Rosh Ha’Shanah and Yom Kippur, but rather “awful/terrible”.
These are days in which you feel an entire nation bow their heads and embrace the communal sense of loss over those who perished in the Holocaust and those who were lost in the wars and terror attacks in Israel. While this sounds like a very harsh reality, it also embodies a great sense of pride. We don’t remember only with sorrow, but with honor. We don’t just look back in anguish; we talk about the future and our desire to shape is and make it better. We focus on ceremonies that unite us and education that builds legacy and identity.
This year is different from previous ones for me for several reasons. Our state of mind is altered, our emotions are reacting to so many changes in our lives. This is also the first year I felt my older son was ready to sit with me and hear witness testimonies of Holocaust survivors and read the Diary of Anne Frank. This is also the first year that there is no gathering at the center for Holocaust survivors in Haifa for our grandmother to join. There are so many mixed feelings and additional challenge in creating that feeling of community and being together. But the need inspires creativity. I am constantly at awe at the amazing opportunities that are being created, giving us the way to join with each other to honor, to support and to be supported.
Rabbi Shai Piron, a former Minister of Education in Israel, recently suggested a new name for the days between the evening of Holocaust Remembrance Day and Yom Ha’atzmaut—"Aseret Yemei Tekumah," the "Ten Days of Revival," mirroring “Aseret Yemei Teshuvah,” the Days of Repentance we mark at the beginning of our Jewish calendar year.
I appreciate his message—it is one of inspiration and hope. It is one that makes us direct all these meaningful memories and emotions to a stronger and better tomorrow.
Celebrate Shabbat
*LIVE* Candle Lighting and Shabbat Blessings
Friday, 4/24, 6:00pm
Check your daily email for details on how to join the service.
Friday Night Shabbat Service Video
Watch Any Time!
Pre-recorded by Rabbi Noah, Rabbi David, and Cantor Sarah. Will be posted on Kol Dorot's Facebook and distributed by email immediately following the live candle lighting.
Shabbat Morning Torah Study
Saturday, 4/25, 9:00-10:00am
Check your daily email for details on how to join the service.
A thought-provoking, interactive way to engage with Judaism's foundational text. There is no wrong time to check out Torah study. But now is a great time! All are welcome, and no experience necessary.
Havdallah with Cantor Sarah and Family
Saturday, 4/25, 6:00pm
Join Cantor Sarah for the blessings that conclude Shabbat. Havdallah will be pre-recorded and posted on the Kol Dorot Facebook page.
New Next Week
Join the entire Reform Movement as we mark the transition between sadness and joy as we move from Yom HaZikaron – Israel’s day of mourning for its fallen, and Yom Haatzmaut, Independence Day. Join with Reform Jews across the world in helping the State of Israel mark the anniversary of its historic founding in 1948. Together we will offer reflection, song and prayer to observe this modern Jewish holiday, which in Israel begins with a Memorial Day – Yom Ha-Zikaron – and culminates in a day of national celebration – Yom Ha’atzmaut. Our virtual observance will begin by a transition ceremony – a Tekes Ma’avar – from memorial to Israel’s fallen into a joyful reflection of Israel’s impact on what it means to be a Jew today.
Managing Anxiety During the Pandemic
with Dr. Tara Sager
Wednesday, 4/29, 8:30pm
Check your daily email for details on how to join the discussion.
Come join us for an informal and interactive discussion about managing anxiety during the pandemic. Dr. Tara Sager will discuss symptoms and ways to cope with anxiety during these challenging times. An interactive Q&A and discussion will follow. Dr. Sager is a member of Kol Dorot, mom of three young boys, and parent in both our Religious School and Early Learning Center. She is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Cresskill (and currently via telehealth). Check out her website at