Today is DAY FORTY-EIGHT, which makes SIX WEEKS and SIX DAYS of the Omer.
Torah for Today
Cantor Sarah Silverberg
As we approach Shavuot, the holiday that commemorates the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, we are basing our day-by-day teachings on each of the Ten Commandments.
Commandment #8: "You shall not steal."
Our eighth commandment, you shall not steal, seems pretty obvious. We all learn from a relatively young age that it’s wrong (illegal, in fact) to take something that is not ours. Whether it’s taking a small trinket from a store and putting it in your pocket or robbing a bank we all know that it’s wrong. Situated right next to the previous commandments of committing murder or adultery, the commandment that you should not steal gets equal weight and importance. I would no sooner think about murder than I would taking a sweater from a store without paying.
But as is usually the case, my children taught me a new way of looking at this mitzvah. As with many siblings, my daughters have been wrestling a bit with this commandment. Maya, our older daughter, will “steal” a toy from Emma’s (the one year old) hands because she has decided she needs that particular toy she’s playing with immediately. Or Emma will pick up Maya’s favorite monkey from the floor and start playing. She’s only one, but already knows that Monkey is a very special toy. In both cases the “stealing” is generally done without malice, but almost always causes tears.
No one from law enforcement is going to come to our house because my girls are stealing from one another. But it has underscored for me the emotion behind this commandment. Even when they’re not trying to hurt each intentionally, taking that special toy causes pain. It causes deep hurt in the moment when something you love is taken from you. Of course, Marc and I intervene so no one gets physically hurt, but then all work to solve the problem from a place of empathy. How does it feel if someone takes a toy from you? Sad? Upset? Angry? How can we solve this problem? There is certainly a long road for them to go as they learn the intricacies of sharing and not taking a toy without permission. But, we will work together as a family so we can fulfill this commandment.
All Shavuot activities will use the same digital meeting link.
Check your daily email for details.
Thursday, May 28th
7:00pm - Dairy Recipe "Show and Tell"
Check your daily email for details.
It's time to show off your favorite dairy recipes for Shavuot! We won't be able to taste each other's work, but we will "ooh" and "ahh" over what you make! Have a dairy recipe with a story? We would love to hear it! Need some inspiration? Here are some Kol Dorot-tested options: Mini Cheesecakes, Blintz Souffle, No-Churn Ice Cream. (Thanks, Heather Lorgeree!) You don't need to make anything to participate! (But it will be more fun if you do...)
7:20(ish) - Shavuot Study: "Why Dairy?" and Other Questions
Check your daily email for details.
To start off our study for the evening, Kol Dorot Educator Anat Katzir will attempt to answer the question: "Why do we eat dairy on Shavuot?" It's more complicated than you think! (Including a "conspiracy theory.")
The Rabbis will close out the session with some favorite teachings about the giving (and receiving) of Torah.
Friday, May 29th
10:00am - Shavuot Festival Morning Service with Yizkor
Check your daily email for details.
Festival morning services are a "hidden gem," and this is the perfect opportunity to try one out. Lots of music and special prayers. Includes the prayers of Yizkor.
Coming Up
Kol Dorot Congregational Meeting
Sunday, May 31, 11:00am
Check your daily email for details.