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KD Daily - Cantor Song Video

Torah for Today

—Cantor Sarah Silverberg

One of the things that I love most about Reform Judaism is our strong commitment to social justice. If we believe that every person was created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God, that means that we need to work every day to make sure all people are treated with respect and dignity. We have been reminded in recent weeks that we have a lot of work to do. And so it is our job to use our voices to speak up when we see an injustice in the world.

Elana Arian, a nationally recognized Jewish composer, wrote the song “I Have a Voice” in the summer of 2019 at Kutz Camp, a Reform Jewish camp for teens. This song is not only a powerful call for justice, but a beautiful reminder that our words are powerful and can bring about change in our world. It’s so hard to remember that some days when the it feels like the world is shattering. But each individual voice is powerful and can bring even a tiny bit more justice to our world by speaking out to affirm the rights and dignity of every person; for we were all create b’tzelem Elohim.


First Anniversary Service

Friday, June 19th, 6:00pm

Check your daily email for information on how to join in.

Bring out your candles! Candles from "Shabbat ShaBag," any Shabbat candles, any kind of candle... We will begin on Friday by sharing light with each other and blessing the day of rest together.

We will have our Religious School students singing (pre-recorded)! We will install our new President and Board of Trustees! We will bless our high school and college graduates! We will come together to mark the first full year of Kol Dorot.

This service will not be long—please join us if you can. Participate with your children. This is a community milestone we will look back on for years to come. Don't miss it!


In Case You Missed It

On Friday we honored Rabbi David Widzer at his final service with Kol Dorot. For those who were not able to join us, here are two very meaningful moments from that service:

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