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Chanukah Resources

Friday, 12/11, 6:00pm, Second Candle
Chanukah Shabbat

Check your email for the Zoom link or email

Bring your menorah! Join us at 6:00pm for Chanukah and Shabbat blessings and songs. It will be the brightest Zoom of the year! At 6:30pm, our Shabbat service continues with even more Chanukah stories, lessons, and songs.


Saturday, 12/12, 6:00-6:45pm, Third Candle
Live Magic & Illusion Show!

Register Here to Receive Zoom Link
Registration is free!
Get ready for “The Extreme Magic of Eric” from NBC’s America’s Got Talent in this LIVE and INTERACTIVE Virtual Magic & Illusion Show Experience!

You’ll see grant illusions from 360 degree views, your mind read through the screen, and even learn the secrets to some tricks.

Supplies needed for each person: 1 deck of cards, 2 wrist-sized rubber bands

Sunday, 12/13, 5:30pm, Fourth Candle
Oradell Menorah Lighting

Watch on Oradell Public TV (Verizon Fios Channel 28) or
Streaming at Kol Dorot Facebook
Rabbi Noah will lead the blessings for the lighting of the Borough of Oradell menorah at Schirra Park (corner of Kinderkamack Rd. and Oradell Ave.). Due to Covid restrictions, please do not attend in person. Watch on television or the livestream!

Monday, 12/14, 6:30pm, Fifth Candle
Zoom Menorah Lighting

Check your email for the Zoom link or email
Rabbi Noah and Cantor Sarah will lead a quick, upbeat menorah lighting for the fifth night of Chanukah. All are welcome!

Tuesday, 12/15, 5:30pm, Sixth Candle
Religious School Menorah Lighting

Check your email for the Zoom link or email
Every year, the Religious School comes together on the Tuesday during Chanukah to sing songs and light the menorah. We hope that all of our Religious School students and families will participate, and everyone else is welcome too!

Thursday, 12/17, 12:00pm, Seventh Day
Cantor Sarah Chanukah Concert

Check your email for the Zoom link or email
Let's get beyond "I Have a Little Dreidel!" Cantor Sarah will present a program of some of her favorite less-known Chanukah songs. Can't make it at noon? Don't worry! We will record the concert and send out the video! 

Chag Sameach!

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